Friday, April 30, 2021


 Finally got around to taking the TV in for repair.  And since the repair shop was near Gage Park, we invited Al and Liz to meet us there afterwards.  Mardi brought date squares, Al bought the coffee.  We had a nice visit, but due to the blustery day it was a parking lot event.

Rumour is that Al is making raisin scones for our next get-together, although Mardi thinks that blueberry muffins would be an acceptable substituteI'll provide the coffee😀.


Up until last fall, this garden was full of day lilies.  Originally, there were several vibrant colours, but over time they all ended up brown.  As well, the field grasses invaded the garden and were impossible to eradicate.  Plus they grew higher than the lilies which made for an ugly scene.

So I dug everything up and replaced them with some tulip bulbs that weren't sold at the end of the season.

Too short and too many yellow, but when you're dealing with leftovers you have to take what you get.

The tangle of growth around the post on the right that hasn't opened up yet is Virginia Creeper.  It picked this spot itself - I don't know where it came from, although I've seen other specimens on the back half of the property.  I really like Virginia Creeper, especially in the fall when it changes colour, so I'm keeping it.

I can imagine Al making some smartass comment about the name of this plant - stay tuned.


As I write this, the Blue Jays are winning 12-2 against the Atlanta Braves.  Five Jays home runs so far.  Exciting baseball.


That's it for tonight.  Stay positive.  Stay well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Eggs For Dinner

 Eggs for dinner?

That's weird!

But dinner was tasty!  Bangers were hiding under the toast.  And rye was hiding in the glass.


Spent an hour on my knees today weeding the Trillium garden.  Got half a wagon full of weeds and field grass.


Also spent some more time today shaking my head at the humour of Sven and big Al.  Now they're weird!


Keep smiling.  Stay well.  

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Grand Slam

Moved some earth today.  One more garden ready for wood chips.

Saw a couple of muskrats in David's pond, but they were camera shy and I was a bit slow.  Best I could do is a picture of one's wake before he dove.


It's great to head to the greenhouse these days.  Lets me get away from the balcony grinding.  Doesn't seem to matter where they're working on the building - it reverberates through the apartment.  It's going to be a long noisy summer.


Good news for Joyce, who has been living at the Sandman Hotel since the fire.  She was allowed to check her apartment.  Despite the fire hoses trained on her apartment during the fire, her clothes are all salvageable and her parents' original paintings are all OK.


Blue Jays beat the Washington Nationals 9-5 on the basis of Vladimir Guererro's three home runs and seven RBI's, including a grand slam.  Fun to watch.


Very little news today, so I'm including an item that Steve forwarded to me.  There's a good message there.  One that I try to follow.

With not much imagination you could apply the same deduction to issues of race.  What we see and what we don't.  But, we're not racist, right?


A good day.  Stay well.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Staying Useful

 Headed to the greenhouse and was met with a surprise. 

This lot is across the street from David's greenhouse.  Yesterday there was a pretty decent brick ranch style house on the property.  Today, not so much!

Monster house is on the horizon apparently.


Concentrated on the gardens that line the front hill.  The winter winds, which sweep across the bottom of the escarpment, uprooted two of the plants in this garden.

But, they're still alive, so I replanted them and tidied up the space.

This one got displaced as well.

But it doesn't mind having its roots showing, so I just straightened it up and added a bit of mulch.

Cut grass for an hour or so.  While I was doing my jobs, Mardi was volunteering in the greenhouse, weeding ferns.  Just a couple of old farts filling in time, pretending we're important and needed.  Feels good!  And much better than staying home and listening to the balcony grinding.


I've now booked our thirteen weeks of vacation for next winter, a combination of timeshare and rentals.  Something to look forward to.  Hopefully, we'll be through with the coronavirus and all of its variances by then.

We start with New Years Eve in Laurel, Mississippi, the "Home Town" of Ben and Erin of HGTV fame.  Can't wait to see their "Pine Cone Drop" at midnight.

Then a week in New Orleans, and the rest of the time in central Florida.

Seems like forever since we were chased home by the pandemic in March 2020.


After publishing the blog yesterday I watched Kamau Bell's "United Shades of America" on CNN.  Very powerful show.  Next episode on Sunday.  Worth watching.

Stay well.

Happy Birthday - again.

 The Blue Jays beat the Tampa Bay Rays 1-0 to win their three game series.

But, today's big event was a belated birthday party for Mardi at the greenhouse.

Had to wait until today because Sarah-Jean didn't get home from school in Pembroke until yesterday, and she had to make the cake.

...which Mardi really enjoyed.

She also enjoyed the wine and the lasagna.

It's certainly a unique experience celebrating a birthday at the greenhouse, with everyone sitting in different spots and with birds flitting among the baskets..

But it was really nice to see Sarah-Jean again.  She has successfully completed her first year of nursing - well done.


Tomorrow will be a gardening day.

Stay well.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


 Beautiful day.  Cut grass.  Watched the Blue Jays lose.  Laughed at some of the responses to yesterday's blog.  Fighting a slow computer today, so that's it.

Stay well.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Date Squares Anyone?

Birthday wishes are heading to Sidney, B.C. to my friend Wayne.  We moved next door to his family about 78 years ago.  As I have previously reported, we played "21 and in" for hours at a time (a ball game for two people) and hiked the escarpment together.  Lots of pleasant childhood memories!

Wayne and I were able to drop in on each other and renew our friendship before the pandemic.  Hopefully, we'll have more opportunities to do that again when it's over.

All the best my friend!


We're having our balcony railings replaced this year.  This is a picture of the removal of a present railing on a unit facing east.

The grinding noise starts at about 8:30 a.m. and continues into the afternoon.  Just the thing you need when the pandemic limits your escape.

This will be a summer long project apparently.  Our balcony is scheduled for August and will then be inaccessible, i.e. without railings, for a few weeks.

Our journey to insanity will be complete by then.


The following picture is meant specifically for Al Knapp.

Al, you have no idea how badly I wish that I could share these date squares with you.  

Maybe there will still be some left when the pandemic is over. 😎


Blue Jays leading 4-0 as I write this.  Looking good.

Stay well.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

The Day After

 Not much happening today.  Mardi is still reveling in the attention she received yesterday.  

When we first started going together, she didn't want anyone to know how old she was.  Now, it seems to be a badge of honour and she is OK with aging - contentedly mellowing like vintage wine (whereas I am more like vinegar).


It's time for me to get back to the greenhouse, so tomorrow will be a lawn cutting day.  But, I'm giving my back a few more days off before I try to move sod again.


Take care.   Stay well.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Four Score - And We Want More

As Al noted yesterday, the really old lady who is having a monumental birthday today is, of course, Queen Elizabeth.

By coincidence, Mardi is also celebrating her birthday, but is much, much younger.  Much.  An incredible amount.  Lots.

Happy birthday my love!


Mardi had some deliveries today.

Thanks to A.J., Michelle and Reggie.  Lovely!

And a short visit from two other vaccinated folk - Monica and Jim.

She had a great day, with calls, cards, gifts and visits - and me of course.
The Blue Jays, in recognition of the birthday of the Queen Bee, beat the Red Sox 6-3 tonight.  That's why the blog is a little late.

We were certainly happy that the verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial was "Guilty on all counts".  There will be appeals that will go on for years.  Hopefully, they will keep him in prison while those work their way through the system.

But that racism river runs deep in Canada as well as in the U.S.  It's going to be a long hill to climb!


Stay well.  Stay happy.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A Lucky Man

 Worked at the greenhouse for an hour before my back/hip seized up.  Managed to move a load of sod and dirt.  Looks like I won't be back to the greenhouse until Thursday - had planned to abstain tomorrow anyway due to the snow in the forecast.


Monumental birthday coming up tomorrow.  A lady I know is getting really old! (Don't tell her I said that.)

I don't remember if I've shared the following with you before (an age issue of my own) but I think it's an appropriate time.


·        To have been born in Canada, a free, democratic, resource rich country

·        To have not faced discrimination and hatred based on race, colour or creed

·        To have food, housing, transportation and health care as givens

·        To have been born to parents who were loving, hardworking, honest and responsible

·        To have been raised to believe in fair play, honesty, hard work, accountability, achievement

·        To have been offered employment at Dofasco after my father’s death and be given the opportunity to progress through hard work and dedication despite lacking a formal university degree

·        To have good friends to trust and rely upon

·        To be loved by my children and grandchildren

·        To have found Mardi after my marriage ended

·        To be able to be physically active at my “advanced” age

·        To have enough financial resources to enjoy my retirement, whether golfing, travelling, working or just relaxing

·        Although I awake to discomfort every morning, I relish each day. 

I    I thank my lucky stars that both Mardi and I both knew Ed Strecker and that, when he asked me to support his daughter's autism dance and I told him that my marriage had ended, he suggested that I call Mardi.  It's been seventeen years of "wedded" bliss.  Thanks Ed.  

TTHANKS MARDI!  Love you!  We'll celebrate tomorrow.

--------------------------------------------------------    Stay well everyone.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Same Old

 Much the same as yesterday.  No birthdays.  Moved sod and repaired gardens.

Today the Blue Jays did NOT lose (they didn't play).

See you tomorrow.  Stay well.

Sunday, April 18, 2021


 No birthdays.  Spent a couple of hours moving sod.  Watched the Blue Jays drop another game.  See you tomorrow.

Stay well.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 Today's birthday boy is Matt, our good friend, Florida and golf companion, and my card playing partner.  All the best Matt!


Wildlife sighting today, right outside our balcony door.  Squirrel nest on the right, racoon on the left.

A hungry lad?  I think he went up the wrong branch of the tree.


My wheel mechanic looked after my winter/summer tire change today.

He had ordered the hub centric rings.

Checked to make sure they were the right size for the hubs.

And installed them on the wheels.

And finished the job.

My sexy aftermarket wheels are now installed.   Thanks Malcolm.  Thanks apprentice Ewen.  And thanks Mr. Lube for the good advice and service.


Blue Jays split a double header against the Kansas City Royals today.  Last game of this series tomorrow at 2 p.m.


Stay well.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Chilly Day

 Mardi chatted with Joyce this morning.  She's still in good spirits regarding her "adventure".  Staying in a hotel in the interim.

Several of you responded with offers of clothing help which were appreciated.  If it was the blog that triggered those offers I'm really pleased.


Cut grass at the greenhouse this afternoon.  A chilly 8C and breezy -  makes your eyes water and your fingers go numb!  But I got it done.  Coffee with Bailey's warmed me up when I got home.

No wildlife sightings, and the Kildeer nest beside the rink is empty.  One of mother nature's creatures must have had a meal.  Mom and pop will have to try again.

But the nest in the shipping dock area is still OK.

Tomorrow, weather permitting, it's back to moving sod.


Stay out of trouble.  Stay well.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Fire Alarms

 David shared this shot yesterday.  Look closely inside the curve of the white stick and you'll see four eggs. 

Can't pick them out?  Try this picture.
Well disguised and, as David says, in the loading dock they're probably safe from coyotes and racoons (and, heaven forbid, skunks), but I think that heavy footed truck drivers may be a different threat.  Hope for the best Killdeer!

Last year there were five nesting pairs of Kildeer on the property and they often have more than one brood during the summer.  So far this year we have discovered two nests - very likely more to come.

The TV picture quit on us today.  So we've brought the smaller one into the living room from the bedroom.  

But, in the grand scheme of things we've still got it good.  In comparison, Mardi had a phone call today from Joyce, who is in need of some clothes.  Major fire in their complex yesterday - water damage in her apartment - and she can't return until at least Monday.  Got out with her purse and a fireman retrieved her meds.  Seems to be taking it with good humour.  Good luck Joyce!


I did get to the greenhouse today. Put in a couple of hours spreading wood chips and cutting grass.  No wildlife sightings.


Keep laughing and stay well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Day After

 Birthday greetings today to Sean Cowie, Judy's son-in-law.  He has hit the half century mark.  Mardi fondly remembers the kitchen chats she had with Sean, who was a buddy of her boys.  All the best Sean!


As anticipated, I spent part of the afternoon on the lazyboy, watching the Blue Jays.  Exciting game.  Bo Bichette hit a walk-off home run in the 9th to give the Jays a victory.  That's two series with the Yankees that they've won already.


After the game Mardi and I took our one mile waterfront walk.  A lot of limping and wimping but I got it done.

Had to avoid a speeding car along the way.  Mom was running to keep up.

And the daffodils are up.  Spring is here.

The daffodils that I planted in one of the gardens along the driveway at the greenhouse haven't quite opened yet.  They're shaded by the pine trees for part of the day.  But they'll be open soon.


The Blue Jays don't play until 8 p.m. tomorrow so I'll be heading to the greenhouse.

Be kind.  Stay well.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Golfed My Age

 Wayne tells me he's seen a gecko a couple of times recently in Sidney, B.C.  Perhaps climate change is happening faster than we thought!

In the meantime, David has purchased some crickets to share the bowl with our gecko.  Game on!


Following up on yesterday's blog, all of my Tuesday golf buddies are helping me to have a long life.  Lots of laughs every you guys!

But today wasn't much of a laugh.  Four of us showed up - Calvin, David, yours truly and Sven (he of the dozen names - and a  birthday for each one).

Power carts not allowed, so we pushed/pulled the carts you see through soft, soggy conditions for eighteen holes.  A tough slog!

Add to that, I mistakenly left my putter in the van, so I variously used a 3 wood, a pitching wedge and each of my three partners' putters to put together a memorable round.

By the time the round ended, I felt like a 114 year old man.  Which was good, because that allowed me to reach my 2021 goal of playing my age.  Yeah, I was that bad.  Finally figured out what was wrong - I'm getting old, losing muscle mass and distance, so I was swinging harder and messing up.  Figured that out by the 17th hole and the last two were much better.  I've now decided to join the Ron King Swing Clinic and stay within my comfort zone.  Swing slower and hit them down the middle like Ron.  Wait until next week!

Sven had the best round, his 99 beating David by one stroke and Calvin by two.  I am obviously in a different league.

Calvin admired my sweater....and my 3 wood/putter...

...while Sven was enthralled by my yellow shirt.

Northern Puffers rule!

Unfortunately, the bar wasn't open due to covid rules, so we couldn't toast our day until we got home.  It took two CC and Pepsi's (I've run out of Coke) for the memory fog to comfort me.  


A teenaged shooter was killed in a Tennessee high school yesterday.  I've heard various numbers, one of which was that this was the fifth shooting at that particular school this year!  Unbelievable!

And, a veteran police officer in Minnesota fired a gun, supposedly thinking it was a taser, killing another young black man.  Makes you just shake your head.


Blue Jays won 7-3 over the Yankees tonight, evening up their home series.  They play again tomorrow at 1 p.m.  I'm guessing that my aching body will force me to stay in the lazy boy for the afternoon.


Hey Al, Mardi made apple crisp today.  Fantastic.  Too bad we're not allowed visitors.

Keep smiling folks.  It does help.  Stay well.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Another Wildlife Sighting

 Headed to the greenhouse in the rain, not to work, but to meet Malcolm for advice on the wheel spacers.  More about that in a minute.

David pointed out the new pet at the greenhouse.

We assume he came in with some tropicals from Mexico.  Jake now has some competition, but I don't think the gecko can sing like Jake.


Malcolm measured my rims, figured out the size of spacers needed, and ordered them online for me.  

The problem is that the hole in the middle of the rim is bigger than the seating ring on the hub.  So "hub centric rings" are required to make up the difference and provide a stabilizing seating for the rim.  Otherwise the lugs are taking all the punishment from road bumps and could fail.  You're never too old to learn new things!

Malcolm and I will meet again when the rings arrive - he's offered to do the installation for me.

I'm not going to mention the tire shop that I previously frequented (Barbara and Jo-Ann will know them) but I won't be going back.  That Mr. Lube shop will be my go-to place in future.


Sven is stewing right now.  The forecast for tomorrow doesn't look good and golf carts will probably not be allowed out.  But he doesn't want to recommend cancelling because he's looked foolish in the past when he went by the weather forecast, stayed home, and heard from me about how we got a full 18 holes in.

The truth of the matter is that he's hoping for rain - he really doesn't want to face the Northern Puffers, those yellow shirt wearing champions.


Remember, you don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing.

Smile Sven.  Stay well everybody.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Northern Puffers - Quoits Champions

We have a birthday doubleheader today.  Sue and Reggie are celebrating.  Best wishes to both.


Gary Parker asked me why I punished myself by publishing his Goldfinch item.  Sue's response explained it perfectly - it was hilarious!  You've become a very good story teller Sven.  

Gary's daughter Jacquie also responded to his original email:

"Love the Northern Puffers! I believe they once migrated to your own backyard in search of tasty quoits?"

Gary probably wishes she hadn't said that.  He seems to want to avoid the fact that we did in fact find some tasty quoits.  Those beautiful yellow shirts have printing on them!

And, as you can see, there's room to add more years when the coronavirus no longer interrupts our annual migration to Burlington.

Matt, I think we should wear those shirts this Tuesday at MontHill.


Grandson Malcolm responded to my aftermarket wheels item.  Apparently what I need are "hub centric rings".  Otherwise the wheels are not anchored properly to the hubs.  Looked it up on line and it appears that I was lucky to avoid problems - it's a safety issue.

Any wheel that is not OEM needs such rings.  This applies to those cheap generic wheels that are used for winter tires too.

Thanks for the advice Malcolm!  And also, thanks to the guy at Mr. Lube (Upper Mount Albion Road) who refused to mount the wheels without the rings.  Scary that the tire shop that I previously frequented didn't point this out.


Kathryn and I passed on our planned hike today.  Rain overnight means slippery paths.  We'll reload for next weekend.


Last night I stayed up until the Jays game ended at 1:07 a.m. with a 15-1 victory.  Today's game was rained out.

But I watched the Masters and Hideki Matsuyama's one stroke victory.  Canadian Cory Conners finished in a tie for 8th, an admirable finish on a devilishly tough golf course.


Stay well.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Nature (again)

 No birthdays today.  Amazing!

Headed to the greenhouse and did a cycle.  Then cut the grass behind the rink, over the septic bed.  Had a couple of discoveries.

First, found a Killdear "nest" near the rink.

Disturbed the mom a bit while I cut the grass.  She tried to lure me away each time.

Then, when I got to the pond, I saw a monster Snapping Turtle.

The shell was about 18 inches long and over a foot wide.  Head as big as my hand.  Don't tell Sarah-Jean or she won't go swimming in the pond.


Corey Conners is doing well at the Masters.  Had a hole-in-one today, followed by a birdie.  But Hudeki Matsuyama has looked awesome as he came from behind and built up a four shot lead.

Augusta is a beautiful, but really tough track.


No Blue Jays on TV tonight, which is just as well.  Their ranks are decimated by injuries and covid protocols and they're playing some sloppy ball.


Stay well.

Friday, April 9, 2021


Today the birthday wishes go to my nephew Stefan Murray (sister Judy's son).   All the best Stefan.

April birthdays are coming in bunches.  July vacations to blame?


 I spent a couple of hours at a Mr. Lube location today.  They balanced my summer wheels, but eventually refused to put them on because they say I need plastic sleeves between the wheels and the hubs.  Never had any before as far as I know and those after market wheels have a couple of hundred thousand kilometres on them.

Oh well.  No charge for the balancing.  I'll report later on the final outcome.


I've been trying to attach an email from Sven Parkersburg without success.  So, I'll close for now and simply forward his Nature Notes to all of you.  It's my masochistic nature.

Stay well.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

A New Activity

 Today it's A.J.'s turn to enjoy a birthday celebration.  All the best A.J.


I added a fifth activity to my circle route today.  On the way back with a load of dirt I stopped to hit a dozen shots at the driving range.  I was joined by the owner who was on lunch break.

Need to keep that left arm straight David.  Neither of us was happy with our results.

As I was walking around picking up all of the balls we hit, I wondered if David would consider buying a ball scooper for the front of the lawnmower.  If Roy was still with us I'm sure he would make one.


I did two cycles today before my body said it was time to go home.  Skipped the driving range on the second cycle - after all I'm in mid season form (the Tuesday guys are cracking up right now - they aren't impressed with my mid season form).


Watched the first day of the Masters and then the Blue Jays game, which they lost in the tenth inning.  Oh well!


Enjoy the weather.  Stay well.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Odd Jobs 101

Happy 27th birthday to grandson Sean, one of my favourite co-workers.  He watches out for my health and safety at the greenhouse.  

He's going to enjoy those Raisin Tarts that Mardi sent - sorry Al, that's the end of the batch.

Have a great day Sean!


Trying to be efficient with the jobs at the greenhouse, and I've settled on a circle route of four projects that have a symbiotic relationship.

First up, I am removing dirt and vegetation from a portion of a front garden that I am abandoning.  We'll keep the Day Lilys, but the rest became too labour intensive to maintain due to the invasive field grasses that root sideways underground.

The second project is to take that dirt to the hill behind the rink.  It was too steep to cut with the mower, so I'm filling in to ease the grade.

Next, I stop at the rink on the return trip to pick up some of the pieces of broken boards and take them to the dumpster.

Then, to the pine trees to remove sod, which goes back to the starting point out front and the process begins again.  

The whole cycle takes less than an hour.  Once the garden section is resodded, the sod I remove will go to finish the hill behind the rink.

As he reads this, David is probably shaking his head and saying to himself, "oh well, it amuses the old man and keeps him out of my hair".


The Blue Jays dropped their last two games to the Texas Rangers, leaving them with a 3 and 3 record.  Some rough edges yet, but they're going to be OK.


Stay well.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Happy Birthday Bud

 Celebrating number 84 today.  A milestone I guess.  Beyond the average Canadian life expectancy - on borrowed time now.  Don't feel that old, but my body does complain a lot more these days.

However, I'm going to take this opportunity to talk about my old friend, Roy Mandy.  For years we shared the same birthday, until Roy died prematurely from a massive stroke.

I first met Roy through Gary Parker.  They were "Delta boys", friends since high school.

Roy was a mechanical wizard, fixing or making things to help solve problems for his friends.  Thoughtful and caring, he also made Pelicans, such as this one that he gave to David.  It's hanging out beside the hot tub, waiting for the cover to be removed so it can go fishing.

Roy golfed with us on Tuesdays at MontHill, and in Florida with Matt, Calvin and me.  An easy guy to live with.

He also spent time with the Trompers, participating as much as his COPD would allow.

We miss him.  Sorry that I don't have to share my birthday any more.  Rest In Peace old friend.


Now for some really good news.  In honour of my birthday, Yancy and Kayt have given me permission to share the news that I will become a great-grandfather in mid August.  What a present!

That means I will have a daughter who will be a grandmotherOK, I'm starting to feel old. 


The Blue Jays play late tonight so I won't wait for the result before posting.

Stay well.  Thanks for all the birthday greetings.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Driveway gardens

 Back to work on the pine trees that line the driveway.  From the front of the property back to the greenhouse, the gardens around the trees are in good shape.

But the trees beside the greenhouse have never been attended to.

The grass grows under the trees, and the weeds eventually poke out through the branches.  So, step one, remove the sod...........

..........then dig out the rest of the growth under the tree.

Finally, add some mulch.

That looks better.  The sod will be relocated tomorrow.


Took my van in for a warranty check.  The paint at the front of the hood is bubbling.  This is a common fault on Grand Caravans - you'd think they'd have come up with a solution by now.  My previous vans had the same problem, but they waited until the warranty expired.  So, premature failure might be a boon in this case.

It's occurring at several spots across the front of the hood.  The Grimsby Chrysler dealer took pictures which will go to Chrysler for approval of the work.  Wait and see.

However, these vans are so good in other ways that it's sort of worth it to just have this problem.  I've had four Grand Caravans and David isn't far behind me.  I usually get over 300,000 kilometres on each of them.  This latest one is at 60,000.


Blue Jays 6-2 over the Texas Rangers.  Shaping up to be a good year.


Stay well.

Sunday, April 4, 2021


 Correction:  The little girl in yesterday's post was not Jamie's daughter - she was her niece.  Sorry, made the wrong assumption!


Decided to give the TH planting a second trim to better define it.  

Then spent an hour digging and removing sod around one of the pine trees - an hour or two seems to be my limit these days for grunt work.

Will finish the job tomorrow and provide pictures.

A hawk passed overhead that I didn't recognize, and the Mockingbirds have returned to the greenhouse.  I just love listening to their repertoire while I'm working.


Jays beat the Yankees, winning two games of three in their opening series.  Awesome!


Kathryn is improving.  Stay well.

Easter and Birthdays

 Had an open air Easter/birthday party in the greenhouse today.  Each family group sat at separate tables. 

Sean and I blew out our candles.  My birthday is on the 6th, his is the 7th.  The folks sang Happy Birthday to us and Jake did a solo howl to join in.  Sean's friend Jamie took a video - if we can get a copy we'll share it because it was a definite howl.

Mardi's lemon meringue pie was a hit.  

David loves whipped cream and shared some with Jamie's daughter.

In the background you can see some of the 15,000 Boston Ferns baskets he's growing, both hanging and on the floor.  They'll be going to new homes soon.


The Blue Jays lost to the Yankees today, but they're definitely contenders this year.  Fun to watch.


Tomorrow I'll be back to work at the greenhouse, after taking a few days off.

Stay well.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday

 Mardi started her Good Friday with a zoom communion.

And then, bless her heart, she turned to baking.

Love the pastry cutter.

Mini raisin pies coming up!  And I enjoyed some left over raisins and sauce.

Sorry Al, it will all be gone by the time we can socialize again.
For Easter, I brought a Lily home that was too far behind in blooming to be saleable.  It will be a little late, but will have seven blooms - timing isn't everything.

Happy Easter everybody!

Stay well.