Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Pots and Punks

 Spent a bit of time at the greenhouse repairing a folding table.  While I was there, David showed up in the truck with some more pots for the Lily planting.  He's still short, but at least a good start can be made next week.


The head of the Oath Keepers in the U.S. (a right wing paramilitary group) has been sentenced to 20 years for "Seditious Conspiracy" for his part in planning the Jan. 6 insurrection in Washington.  He wasn't at the capital, but he still got sentenced for what he did to make it happen.  A very good sign for democracy.

Sounds like there should be a similar conviction for Donald J. Trump for playing a similar role.

And he's just lost his battle to keep his tax return secret.  The I.R.S. has been ordered to turn it over.

And his game of taking classified documents to Mar-a-Lago also has bad omens for his future.

Does that mean he'll go to jail anytime soon?  We can only hope!  But don't hold your breath.  And if the Republicans retake the White House in two years all bets are off.


On that note I'll say goodnight.

Stay well.

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Scam, Spam and Butter Tarts

 Being a little older, I am very fortunate to have someone call and check on me nearly everyday.  He is very concerned about my dirty ducts.  Nice guy!  Too bad its a telemarketing scam.

I also get a computer spam message almost every day, supposedly from one of my Tromper buddies whose account must have been hacked.  The price of living in the new electronic world I suppose.


Mardi and I were joined by Barb, one of her long time friends, for dinner tonight.

Had a nice evening getting up to date on each of our families.


Hey Al, Food Basics has some nice butter tarts on special.  Taste great pal!

Stay well everyone.

Monday, November 28, 2022

RSV and Reinvent

 The news of children's hospitals being overcrowded because of rising RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) cases makes me glad that Mardi and I are participating in the Moderna RSV trial that will hopefully lead to a successful vaccine.  Unfortunately, the trial won't be complete for a couple of years so the crisis is far from being resolved.


Stopped at the greenhouse to drop off Sean's gift card from the Turkey Roll.  He and Ewen were wrapping mulch skids for the winter.

The rest of the staff is temporarily furloughed.  Pots for the Easter Lily planting are backordered and time is running out.  Fingers crossed that they arrive in the next couple of days!


Davey Lumber folks are trimming the trees out front.

Our building and its grounds are well maintained.  Expensive, but comforting.


As you are aware, I recently had to admit to myself that I'm no longer up for the heavy physical activities that I enjoyed at the greenhouse.  Still lots that I can do, but a sobering moment nonetheless.

Today I came across a YouTube video and I'm sharing it with you in case some of you have had the same awakening.

It talks about the four phases of retirement:

1 - the vacation phase

2 - feeling lost phase

3 - trial and error phase, and finally,

4 - reinvent and rewire phase

In my case, the "vacation" phase lasted just two weeks before I got to the "feeling lost" phase.  And that only lasted a couple of days before I reinvented myself in, first the truck sales business, second my farm labour activities, and I guess that you could also now include the blog thing which has become somewhat of a calling.

Because of this, these 30 years of "retirement" have been among the happiest days of my life.  Friends (including golfers and Trompers) and family have also been key, as is the Optimist purpose of helping others.

Having Mardi beside me for the past 19 years has been a big part of that happiness. 

I certainly hope that all of you have been, or will be. able to achieve and enjoy that "reinvent" phase as well.


The Holiday Train will be parked near Gage Park tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.  If we can get near the area Mardi and I hope to see it.

Stay well.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Slow Day

 To be continued.............when there is news.

Stay well.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Sloth Day

 Slow day here.  Mardi attended a Celebration of Life for a church member and she also delivered two of the gift cards won at the Turkey Roll last night.

I, on the other hand, didn't do much at all.  Sorry about that.  I'll try harder tomorrow.

Stay well.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Turkey Time

 Mardi and I did some hobby farming at the greenhouse today.  She cut back our anniversary cactus.

And planted the cuttings.

While she was doing that, I brought my Prickly Pear Cactus back inside.  They have gone through a light freezing cycle, but in pots they would be vulnerable in a severe cold snap.  So they're now on the floor in the shipping area (after being weeded with long nose pliers - I've learned painfully😂).

And tonight we had our Turkey Roll at the Optimist Hall.  We sold seven cards (a club record - thanks folks) and the winners are:
    Pat Tistechok
    Kathy Gruhl
    Al Knapp
    Sean Craig
    Barbara Craig
    Irene Cousins
    Sandro Cervoni
Congratulations to all.  And also to Steve Lougheed, our biggest contributor, who won $101 in the 50/50 draw and a bottle of wine.

The fun part of the night was the turkey races. Tom, Girty, Gobble, Beefy, Wattle and Stuff-It worked off a lot of fat in the races.

Although a riot almost broke out at one point when Guy only moved Gobble one space instead of two.

A very successful night for the club and the community!

Stay well.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Fine Dining at Teddy's

 Woke up in a fog this morning...........and so did my neighbours.  It was really thick near the lake.  Mardi and I did a shorter walk today.


Barbara forwarded a couple of videos of my great granddaughter Rowan  - standing on her own and telling a story in a gibberish conversation that included expressive hand gestures.  Quite comical and I just loved it.  Wish we lived closer!


Tonight we headed to Teddy's to meet Al and Liz.  And Sue, David and Ewen accepted last night's invitation to join us. 

A nice night out!


Tomorrow night is the Optimist Turkey Roll at the Optimist Hall.  Doors open at 7 and everyone is welcome.  Drinks are reasonable and the turkey races are a skit.  Hope to see some of you there.  I'll report the winners in tomorrow night's blog.

Stay well.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Tromps and Teddy's

 I asked Mardi if she would like to go for a walk and she said that she would follow me anywhere.  So we headed to Confederation Park for a 5k round trip.  Along the way I had to go into the men's washroom...........she lied.

I found another lady, but she couldn't follow me into the washroom either.

And a Heron who is filling up before heading south.

It was a beautiful day for a walk.


Tonight we headed to the Optimist games night.  Some of our Peach Festival student volunteers were recognized and thanked by President A.J. and Vice-President Guy.

We played games of Mexican Train with fellow Optimists at our table.
Tomorrow we have a dangerous assignment - meeting Al and Liz at Teddy's in Grimsby.  Five o'clock if you would like to join us.

Stay well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Aging Process

 I dug for half an hour at the greenhouse before I finally came to accept that I'm not up to that job anymore.  A terrible realization, and if you'll pardon the language, it pisses me off!

There is still lots that I can do, but I just hate having to limit my scope.  I may need a drink later to put this fact into perspective!

Probably time to thank David for leaving this decision up to me.  He made suggestions from time to time, but ultimately let me figure it out and pick the timing for myself and I really appreciate that.


My former wife's husband is dying and he's several years younger than me.

My thoughts are with my daughters and son as they help their mother deal with this untimely event.


Moving on to more positive subjects:

- 28 year old Canadian, Adam Svensson, won his first PGA event.  He has been projected as "Canada's Rory McIlroy".  Let's hope so.

- Toronto Argos won the Grey Cup.  But I didn't bother watching.

- Canada's soccer team will be playing tomorrow in its first World Cup contest since 1986.  Their opponent, Belgium, is favoured, but we'll see.

- Public Safety Minister, Marco Mendicino, acquitted himself well at the Emergencies Act Inquiry.  It's a slog to sit through this kind of TV, but today was a good one.

- I've had my drink and I feel better.

Stay well.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Brunch and Brightman

 Had brunch with my three daughters today.

This was Jo-Ann's and Kathryn's first visit to Stacked.  Lots of good food choices to fit their restricted diets.  I'm sure that they'll be back.  And the food is plentiful!  My pancake platter was big plate sized and two inches high - ate about a third of it.

We had a great visit, including the remote part with Barbara.  The girls have been helping their mother and Mike (he's back in hospital) for several weeks, with another month to go before they get their lives back.

We'll be seeing the three girls in Florida.  For January they have rented the house that Matt and Maureen have booked for February and March.  Kathryn and Jo-Ann will then be taking a Caribbean cruise (Maureen, you will be hearing from Jo-Ann - one of their stops is in Curacao).

A really nice visit this morning.


This afternoon, Mardi and I enjoyed a Celine Dion, Sarah Brightman tribute show at Stoney Creek United.

All were good, but the piano overpowered the singers (who weren't standing close enough to the mikes).   A nice concert nevertheless.


Stay well.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Flu Shots

 Mardi and I got our flu shots this morning.  We're all set.

Decided that, despite the sun, digging wasn't in the cards today.  It will warm up in a couple of days and the digging can wait until then.

Tomorrow I'm having brunch with my daughters.  And later to Mardi's church for a Celine Dion and Sarah Brightman tribute show.

Until then, stay well.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Real Riches

 The next project is to fill in this trench, the remains of a previous drainage issue.  It doesn't show in this picture but it's about two feet deep at the top.

I'll be using the sod removed from the recent dig to finish it off.

Only lasted an hour today before the cold and wind sent me home.  Should be warmer weather next week (plus 6!).


Mardi and I headed to Port Dover this afternoon and joined Steve and Bonnie for dinner at the Beach House, prior to the "Tip of the Iceberg" show at Lighthouse Theatre.

The show was locally written and produced.  Well acted (just two men and a musician) and located in a Newfoundland fishing village and at an iceberg.  I think the message was to appreciate what you have and enjoy life - "real riches come from reapin' the good oats that ya buried in the ground along the way".

The show continues in Port Dover until November 26.


Flu shots for us tomorrow.  Stay well.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Old Times

Happy birthday today to Mardi's nephew, J.J.  All the best young man.


Back in 1984, some of the guys that I worked with invited me to join them for a weekend of hikes on the Bruce Trail.  That was the beginning of the Trompers and it became an annual event, although sometimes the boots were traded in for adventures on bikes, in canoes, or kayaks.

Over the years, a few of the guys completed the Bruce Trail.  I missed a couple of events and only ended up at about 95%, but that's OK.  Just doing that gave me the enthusiasm to take on the 70 mile hike through the high Andes to Machu Picchu with Sean, the north rim of the Grand Canyon with Malcolm and the 28 mile crossing of the Grand Canyon with Ewen, marvelous times that might not have happened without the confidence I gained hiking with the Trompers.

Covid paused our adventures, and the aging process has pretty well ended them, but we got back together today (thanks for arranging it Gary) to share a meal and some memories at the Coach and Lantern in Ancaster.

That's Dave Bagshaw, Gary Parker, David, your truly, Gary Taylor and Peter Burton.  Absent were Mark Richardson and Doc Jewett (snowed in up north) and Roger (recovering from his recent procedure).

We did what the sign told us to do.

A nice way to spend quality time with good friends while catching up and reliving events.  A special day indeed!


Stay well.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Chicken and Cheese

 Took the day off and had a wonderful day!  Spent the afternoon being trounced by Mardi at Skip-Bo.  Spent the evening being trounced by Mardi, Matt and Maureen at Euchre.

But I'll tell you what - Matt's "chicken and cheese" dinner made it all worth while.

We also spent a bit of time talking about our Florida trip.  Just five and a half weeks to go.

Tomorrow it's lunch with the Trompers.

Stay well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

No More Mud

 We have another story about the Lougheed family.

Recently, Mardi was interviewing an applicant for Music Director at Stoney Creek United.  The committee introduced themselves and Mardi said that she been a member since she transferred from Hagersville United in 1974.

The applicant said that she had been the organist at Hagersville in the 90's.  So Mardi said, "Then you must have known my mother, Margaret Lougheed."

To which the applicant replied, "Saint Marg!".

The Lougheed brothers and their sister, and the Craig brothers and their remaining sister, won the parent sweepstakes.  Our dads died too young, but they and our mothers provided us with some positive lessons in life.

Speaking of brothers, Roger is recovering after his recent prostate operation and he got a bit feisty (but friendly) with Sven in an email today.  Glad to have you back bro'.


Removed another ten feet of drainage tile today and finally reached the end of the mud.

No more playing in the mud for me.  Now it's up to David and the boys to put things back together😇.


Stay warm and well.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Back To Work

 I think we may have figured out why the water isn't draining.

But I'm not at the end of it yet!  Another two hours today and we're at about 80 feet of drain to be replaced.  The replacement rolls come in 100 foot increments, so I'm hoping that some more digging tomorrow will finish the job.


One more story about veterans, this one from Mardi's brother Greg.

The attached is one of the best pictures I've ever seen. It was hung on the living room wall of one of my very best friend  John Bradley Jr.  (Mom taught all of the Bradley Kids).  It is their Dad, John Bradley Sr.  when he was overseas in WW2.  The picture tells the story.  Ron's going to let me get a better image for next year.

Some history.  Our Dad and some guys were sitting in the Legion one Friday night and Dad asked "Where's John".  They replied "He's at the other drinking establishment probably"  Dad said "well lets go get him".  They replied "Don't think they will let us bring a Native in here".  Dad said "Who's Going To Stop Us"  They brought John in and he and others were welcome from there on. 

Roy Lougheed was a good man.  It's no surprise how Mardi, Steve and Greg turned out.  Thanks for sharing Greg.

Stay well.

Sunday, November 13, 2022


 Today's blog is mostly for the benefit of my grandchildren.  It comes as a result of my conversation yesterday with John Buckley about genealogy.

The few tidbits I got from my father about his family (he left an unhappy home in his teen years and died in my teen years) was that they were originally from Scotland, and that the Craigs fought on behalf of the Gordons in the Battle of Culloden in 1746.

According to old maps, the Craigs and the Gordons lived in the Edinburgh area.  Near Edinburgh there is a Salisbury Hill.  My grandfather's name was Anson Salisbury Craig.

Sister Judy did some ancestral tracing, but could not go beyond 1799 when William John Craig was born in Kent, England.  My theory on that is that the Craigs were likely farm serfs and when Scotland turned to sheep farming those folks were not needed.  The "clearances" began in 1762 when the excess labour was sent away and no early written records appear to exist of those people.

William John Craig (originally Crag) was an interesting guy.  He had nine children.   The first three were born in Kent, England.  His first born was my ancestor, William Craig, who ended up in Canada.  

The next was born in Pennsylvania.  The rest were born in Ontario, but the last three died in Australia, as did their father.  He apparently left a trail of children behind along the way.

My DNA testing suggests that the Craigs migrated from the cradle of civilization across southern Europe to Scotland.  It also suggests that my maternal side migrated across northern Europe to England, and I include a Sammi (the reindeer herders) in that bloodline.


My paternal grandmother, Sarah Jane "Jennie" Harper, was a "home girl".  Her father was sent to the poorhouse and the family was broken up.  He had several children.  Jennie (12) and older sister Rose (14) were sent to Canada to work.  Rose had a good family experience.  Jennie was abused and did not have a happy time.

I only met her after my uncle Roy returned from the second world war and a very few times after that.   She was a cold, withdrawn person.

My dad left home in his teenage years to go live with his Aunt Rose and Uncle Charlie.  I never met Aunt Rose, but Uncle Charlie visited us occasionally in Fruitland, driving over in his big Cadillac.  He and my dad had a strong bond.


Less is known about my maternal side.  My grandfather was listed as a bricklayer when he came to Canada, and my grandmother had been a nanny.  I was named after my mom's great uncle Ralph who was a Grenadier Guard (and lived to 92 - hope that I can match that).

A family tale is that my grandmother was approached one day by a couple of men who told her that my grandfather was in line for an inheritance.  They asked for her documents, took them and never returned.  My grandfather's last name was Marriott, so maybe it was the money that ended up becoming the Marriott hotel chain.  I believe that the John Marriott who was the probable original source of the wealth, was a boat owning slave trader so it's probably just as well that it didn't come our way.

Pretty humble beginnings!


I've taken a couple of days off work.  Will get back to that drainage issue tomorrow.

Stay well.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

War Is Hell

 Today was a good day, spent with good friends!

We met with John and Rada for brunch at the Stacked Pancake & Breakfast House.  

John and I had a great conversation about our genealogy, and that led to some more Remembrance Day memories.

John's grandfather died in the first world war.............  

......and is buried in the British section at Ypres.  It is likely that he never got to meet his newborn son, John's dad.

There is also a Canadian section to honour the Canadian sacrifices in the war.

John's father served in the second world war as an airplane mechanic.  He died of cancer not many years later, when John was six.

War is definitely hell!

Rada and John had brought back ball markers from the British Open for each of us and, at the end of dinner Rada presented me with an Indigenous Veterans' Day dream catcher pin, which I will wear with pride on future Remembrance days!

Many thanks!

A day with many thoughts.  Stay well.

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Flooding and Forgetting

 After some digging I identified the cause of the flooding in this area.  The white drainage hose, as it goes around the corner, is filled with sediment.  We'll be replacing it.

I dug for about an hour and mostly scoped out the extent of the problem before my back told me it was time to go home.

And that was about the extent of my day.  An afternoon nap helped, as did the coffee and Bailey's.

Let's not forget.  Stay well.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 Mardi and I began the day with a walk along the waterfront.  

She brought along a plastic bag and a glove so that she could pick up some garbage along the way.

What a gal!

We met Sue's brother Craig and Charlene on our walk.  They were enjoying the waterfront on the way to Costco.  Small world!


Then I headed to the greenhouse to prepare a couple of gardens for winter.  When I went to dump the refuse I saw these geese in the neighbours' pond.

They looked like they were really on their way south.  Enjoy the flight folks.  Too bad you can't teach the confused ones that stay north all winter how to make that trip.


Optimist meeting tonight.  A really good one!

A.J. had arranged for brother Greg to address the club from Comox/Courtney, B.C. via video link.  

Greg described his 32 year career in the Canadian military, from his Army Reserve posting to Cambodia on a United Nations mission, to his Air Force posting to Afghanistan as a Flight Engineer, the guy who (when he's not fixing something that's broke on a Chinook helicopter) is sitting by the open door with his gun in hand.  I remember Mardi getting a call from Greg to tell her "It's not me mom." before she heard on the news that a Chinook had gone down.  Greg's crew went out, accompanied by helicopter gun ships, to lift the downed helicopter and bring it back to base.

He talked about what raising your kids on base is like.  And he also talked about the military today, that is having trouble recruiting, and as a result is only at two thirds strength.

His talk, when Remembrance Day is so close, was both inspiring and sobering.  Well done soldier!



Stay well.  And please remember.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Indigenous Veterans' Day

 Today is Indigenous Veterans' Day, honouring the First Nations, Inuit and Metis who served in the Canadian military.  This includes Barbara and Jo-Ann's grandfather, uncle and cousin.  


Blew the garden centre's outside water lines out.  One more job done.

Some of my friends golfed today.  I prefer to stay away from golf courses when I'm wearing a parka.

Stay well.

Monday, November 7, 2022

End of Season

Happy Birthday to Rose Strecker.  All the best!


The Garden Centre season is over.

But cars still come in because folks don't read the sign.  So, we added...........

..............beside the driveway.  I'm betting that we still get cars coming past that sign.


Next up is to fix a drainage issue.

This corner is pretty soggy.  I've got the mower stuck twice and had to seek help to extricate it.  Hopefully, we can find and fix the problem.


Following up on my "old" comment the other day, Wayne sent me a story:

Human Resources Manager: "What is your greatest weakness?"

Old Man: "My honesty."

H.R. Manager: "I don't think honesty is a weakness."

Old Man: "I don't give a damn what you think."

Fortunately, I've never used that line on David!  So he's still letting me play around......and have fun!


Stay well.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Better Luck Next Year

 Slow day.  I watched my first CFL game of the year - the Tiger-Cats being mauled by the Alouettes in the Eastern semi-final.  Al Knapp said it best:

Both Hamilton's offensive and defensive lines played lousy today. The offensive line gave our quarterbacks little to no protection and our defensive line forgot to show up for the game. 

Hamilton certainly didn't deserve to play in the Eastern final next week.

And they won't be playing again until next year.
Stay well.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Set Your Clocks Back

 Happy birthday to Diane Lougheed.  All the best.


No other special news today.

Worked an hour at the greenhouse and finished cleaning up the driveway.

Mardi and I took a half hour walk along the waterfront.

Changed the spikes in two pairs of golf shoes.  Ready for Florida now.

Broke down and watched the last four innings of the final World Series game.  My first baseball since the Blue Jays bombed out.  Congratulations to Dusty Baker and the Houston Astros.


Stay well.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Getting Older

 Headed to the greenhouse this morning and spent about four hours riding the fork lift.  Moved the skids of soil from the driveway to the parking lot so that David can safely plow the snow off the driveway this winter.

While I was doing that, the folks were starting to hang the Boston Fern baskets.

If you look closely, you will see that Charlie (behind Ewen) is taking a break.  I expect that before they are finished Charlie will be finding a way to help out.


Yesterday I froze, so today I wore a parka to work.  It lasted five minutes.

So my advice is, don't worry about getting older.  You'll still do dumb stuff.  Only slower.

Stay well.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Winding Down

 Mardi took a picture of the escarpment when she arrived at the greenhouse today.  Pretty, in a different way.  A bit spooky too.

And, since a couple of you have asked what the Boston Fern plugs that we are planting look like.............

......a thumb sized lump of dirt with a small fern growing in it.   But just wait until next May!
Jaimie and Sean joined us for dinner tonight so that we could do some planning for our Florida trip.  They'll be driving down with us on New Year's Day and staying until January 10.  Looking forward to it.  

Other than her experience playing ball in the Canusa Games in Flint, Michigan, this will be Jaimie's first trip outside Canada and we intend to make it memorable for her.  Can't wait.
Tomorrow should see the finish of the Boston Fern planting.  Then the garden centre will close and it's time to put everything away.  

Won't be long until we're planting Easter Lilies.  And then it's hockey season for David.  The world is unfolding as it should.

Stay well.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Odds

 Golfed today.  Won some money.  End of story.


But, I have a question for the folks who have indicated that they will participate in the Optimist Club Turkey Roll.

Mardi and I intend to fill six cards.  Each one has 30 circles.

For $20 you get 7 circles.  The question is, should your 7 circles all be on one card, or should they be spread over the 6 cards?

If they're on one card, you have an approximate 23% chance of winning a turkey (a $30 gift card).  If they are spread over all 6 cards, you have only a 4% chance of winning, but you could win up to 6 gift cards.

My feeling has been that if you are going to gamble, go big.  I like to spread my circles on several cards and give myself a chance of winning more than one.  You may feel otherwise.

If you have strong feelings about this choice let us know and we will honour your decision.  Otherwise, we will spread them over all six cards.

Regardless, you are doing something special by supporting our cause.  In a later issue I will let you know where our funds are spent.  Thank you.


Back to the greenhouse tomorrow.  Talk later.  Stay well.