Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Time Out

 My old work watch gave up the ghost today, so I turned to my golf watch.  It's been plugged in since my last golf game, and not surprisingly it was an hour fast - didn't get the time change memo.

So, today's excitement was going outside and telling it to look for golf courses.  That GPS feature is what tells it the correct time.

Of course, it could be a lot harder to correct your clock.


Stay well.

Monday, November 29, 2021


 Had our annual HVAC inspection today.  Our 50 year old relic is still rocking.  One more thing off the check list before we head south.


Mardi and the ladies were working on their special project today.  Putting together backpacks filled with essentials for the girls rescued from human trafficking.  

Lots of donated goods.

And the sorting begins.  Monica has a helper.

Fifty back packs will be filled next Saturday.  

Well done!  A noble project!


And a Christmas carol message that

Thanks Steve!


Laugh a lot.  Do good things.  Stay well.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Go Cats, Go

 Based on today's white Christmas, it's a good thing that Mardi put her car to bed for the winter yesterday!

But the snow didn't hold the Tiger-Cats back.  Their defense smothered the Alouettes to win the Eastern Conference Semi-Final.

These players were almost as excited as Al Addis.......

who immediately posted the following....


have a nice day,


Next stop Toronto.


As Al says, have a nice day and stay safe.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

It's Begining To Look A Lot Like Christmas

 Greg forwarded a picture of what Diane has done with the cedars they picked up the other day.

There are four trees altogether on their deck.  Well done Diane.


Christmas has come to our house as well.

And our "tree" is up - for 30 days, until we leave for Florida.

Another sign of the season - Mardi has put her 2007 Sebring convertible away for the winter.

Yea!  I get to use the underground parking at the condo for the next month, until we leave for Florida.


Tonight we had Kathryn and Anna over for dinner.  Their quest to find housing continues.  Although Anna's business is doing very well, it doesn't have a long enough track record to satisfy the banks.  More homework to be done.


Stay well.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Thursday, November 25, 2021


 Woke up with a sore arm after the booster shot.  That, and a very dreary weather outlook, kept me home for most of the day.

I am not a good shut-in person.  Drove me nuts.  If this were to keep up I'd have to find a renovation project to keep me busy.  Fortunately, Easter Lily planting starts next week.

If I'm ever banished to a nursing home, please pull the plug!


The good news is that I finally won a card game against Mardi.

Stay sane.  Stay well.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Murder She Wrote

 Some days are busier than others.  Today was a good one.

Started out early.  I headed to the greenhouse to meet Greg and Diane, who were looking for some cedars for their deck.  While I was waiting, this rig showed up.  David's having more gravel spread over one of his growing areas.

After the trees were picked out, the three of us headed back to our place to join Mardi for coffee.  A nice visit.

Then it was back to the greenhouse where I finished the garden I was working on.  Got wet knees while I was weeding though.


At 5 p.m. Mardi and I arrived at the Winterbury Medical Clinic for our Moderna booster shots.  Turns out we were two hours and forty minutes short of the full 168 day waiting period, but they closed their eyes to that discrepancy and gave us the shots.  Florida, here we come!


Then, it was off to the Optimist Murder Mystery.  Tom Selleck was there, calling himself Waldo.

At one point, I was hauled in.  But it turned out that Bud Wiser was innocent.

Several people were seriously hurt during the drama.

We do have fun while we're working to help the community!


Well done by the jury in the Ahmaud Arbery murder case.  There will be appeals but for sure they're going to pay for their actions.


Just received a new book, "Betrayal, The Final Act Of The Trump Show".  That will fill in time on some cold days.

Stay well.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

And So It Goes

Cold but sunny, so I changed my mind about going to the greenhouse.  Managed to finish moving the last of the sod to wet and muddy areas.  Threw out my work shoes when I got home - should be able to stay dry from now on.

Tomorrow should be a more interesting day.  Meeting Greg and Diane in the morning, getting our booster shots at 5 p.m. and then Mardi and I are attending an Optimist "Murder Mystery" meeting night.


Lots of disasters happening these days - flooding on both coasts of our country, the murder mayhem that occurred at the parade in Wisconsin, the speech from the throne.  Terrible.


Stay calm.  Stay well.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 The forecast kept me indoors today.  Will likely do the same tomorrow.  Wednesday looks like my next garden day.

So, trapped in the apartment, I decided to be a good fellow and do some housework.  Cleaned the heat ducts, cleaned the bathroom vent and then painted the vent grille.

In response, Mardi let me win at cards.  A good day!

Stay well.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Another Day - More Mud

 Spent time on sod, but you're tired of hearing about that.  Quit when the rain started.  

Enjoyed a coffee break with Sue, and with Ewen who was home from Guelph for the weekend.

Lost at cards - again.

Made some progress on our Florida plans with Maureen and Matt.  It's shaping up to be our longest continuous stay in Florida.  Getting excited.

Stay well.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Slow News Day

 Did my usual couple of hours at the greenhouse, working on the tree line.  The second day I needed to keep the parka hood up to fight off the cold breeze.


Got beat at cards - nothing new there.

Stay well.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Show Time

 Greg's in Brantford for a few days to help his dad and Nancy (who recently had a heart attack).  Meanwhile, his base in Comox is helping with the flooding rescues and has had an emergency of its own.  One of the barracks which was being renovated had an explosion - ten people injured.  Greg's wife Angela was right across the street at the time, but not hurt.  


Put in a couple of hours moving sod, but even wearing a parka with hood up it was chilly with the wind.  Came home, got a free haircut from my favourite barber so I look good (as good as it gets unfortunately) for the theatre tonight.  

We joined Bonnie and Steve for dinner at the "Fisherman's Catch" in Port Dover before the show.

The Lighthouse Theatre presented a Norm Foster show "Old Love".  Two people playing several different parts.  Foster's shows are always top notch and the couple who performed did it justice.  An enjoyable evening.


Stay well.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Being a Dad and Grandpa

 Spent the afternoon checking out housing with Anna and Kathryn.  Found a nice place in Ridgeway that they will try for.  Fingers crossed.


No other news.

Stay well.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Supply Problems

Birthday wishes today to Mardi's nephew, J.J. (James Jose) Lougheed.  All the best young man.


I imagine that you all have been watching the news from B.C. about their weather disaster.  What you may not realize is that we will be facing a potentially disastrous, and financially punishing, supply problem as a result.

There is currently no transportation connection from Vancouver to the rest of Canada, either rail or road.  The west coast supply chain is broken.  The port of Vancouver is essentially useless.  The supply chain issues caused by the pandemic are about to get worse.

The following story tells the tale.  Fasten your seat belts!


The good news is that David's Easter Lily bulbs that come from the west have already arrived.  We start planting at the first of the month.


In the meantime, the Boston Fern planting progresses.  Two houses are full.

And two more are in progress.

When they are established, they'll be hung to make room for the next crop.


Spent a bit of time at the garden centre today before the rain drops started.  The last stand of trees that needed to be cleaned up has now had the sod removed from its periphery.

Next step is to remove the sod from between the trees.  This one is done.

Then get the grass and weeds cleaned up from under the trees, and add mulch.

I'll be working my way south over the next few days.


Stay safe.  Stay well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 We have an addendum to our visit to the Canadian Military Heritage Museum in Brantford.  As you will read below, Mardi has a picture in her possession that was given to her by someone she helped over 40 years ago (the man in the picture was the woman's husband - he came back from the war, her sister's husband did not).  Mardi has wondered what to do with it, and Sunday the answer came to her.  She emailed the folks at the museum:

Hi there.  

Below you will find the picture I spoke about when visiting your facility on Sunday afternoon.  I was very vague on detail Sunday and that is because I could not at that moment grasp just how very quickly time goes by.  Seems faster every day.

The background story on this picture is that in the mid to late 70's, I took 2 sisters (who were elderly members of my church) grocery shopping every week.  They loved my 2 boys and helped me keep them corralled while shopping.
Beulah Hume told me some stories about her past.  In her time in Toronto, she was the practice accompanist for the "Happy Gang" in their later years.  She had since become blind.
Because my uncle was a fighter pilot in WWII she gave me this picture of her late husband.  She also gifted me a bracelet which had been made out of his brass uniform buttons.  I will have to go through a few boxes to find them. 
My son is Warrant Officer Gregory Bullivant currently stationed in Comox.  
I would like to donate this picture to your wonderful museum if you have room for it.  Interestingly, David had his Guelph University Graduating picture put onto the back of the picture.   

They have a display at the museum with similar pictures on it.  This one should fit in perfectly.
Played hooky from the greenhouse today.  I'll head that way tomorrow.
Stay safe.  Stay well.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Greg's Visit

 Dressed appropriately and spent a couple of hours at the garden centre.  It was a lovely day, but my body didn't last.  Try again tomorrow.


Greg came to visit for the afternoon and stayed for dinner.  He and Mardi got up to date, and we made initial steps toward Greg guiding us on a Belgium, Holland and Austria tour this summer or next.  

A nice visit!


Stay well.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Hockey Time

 So, yesterday David attended a Winnipeg Jets game with eighteen thousand friends.  Today I attended a Cayuga Stars game with a couple of hundred friends (David's obviously more likeable than me!)

Watched Lincoln Brownell's team go down to defeat at the hands of the Glancaster Rangers.  But Lincoln put up a good fight.

He was taken down in front of the net trying to prevent a goal.

I'd forgotten how much fun it is to watch tyke hockey.  It's been a few years - my grandkids are all past that stage now, and I have a bit of a wait before Great Granddaughter Rowan takes up the game.

Of course there is another side to hockey.  Nice to see this banner in the arena.  

I remember breaking up a fight in the stands at one of David's games.  Parents can get stupid sometimes.


Tomorrow Greg is coming to dinner.  Looking forward to the visit.

Stay well.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Date Night

 Mardi and I visited the Canadian Military Heritage Museum in Brantford today.  

Very interesting place!  Exhibits are well done and very moving. 

 Ended up with a wet face a couple of times, reading letters to home, etc.

Next, I took my date to one of our favourite dining spots, the Banana Leaf Asian Cuisine.

Tom, our host, is of Chinese descent, born in Vietnam.  He worked as an interpreter in Hong Kong before emigrating to Canada.  Speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and English.  Wants to learn French.  Makes you feel inadequate!

No more than half a dozen people at either place.  Very comfortable.  I'm still not quite ready to attend crowded events.


Stay safe.  Stay well.

Friday, November 12, 2021

At The Greenhouse

 The current planting project at the greenhouse is 15,000 Boston Fern baskets.

Not too impressive now, but they will be overflowing by spring.  And yes, you will get the pick of the crop Monica!

Meanwhile, I'm still removing sod from around the trees.

And relocating it to help resolve a drainage issue at the back of the field.

Assuming that I finally get all of the gardens around the trees under control, the next step will be to fill in a couple of major holes.

David determined that the reason that the shipping dock kept flooding was that the drainage down front was plugged up and the water kept backing up.  So he had one of the lads dig down to the drainage tile and then had it blown out.  Hopefully this will solve the issue.


Stay well.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Lest We Forget

 We watched the CBC presentation of Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa.  Well done, and nice to see a strong Indigenous presence.


While we're on the subject of Remembrance Day, perhaps we can also spend a moment thinking about the plight of our Japanese citizens during the Second World War.  Families were split up, they were taken from their homes and sent to Concentration Camps, their homes, cars and possessions were confiscated and sold by the Canadian government, and when it was all over they were given (over 40 years later) $21,000 each for the pain and suffering they went through (and still are, for those alive and now in nursing homes).

A modern day corollary for that is the attacks on innocent Chinese citizens after the so-called Wuhan virus found its way to North America.  Unfortunately, stupidity and hatred are common human attributes.


Last night Mardi and I attended our Optimist Meeting at the Optimist Hall - first time in the building in 23 months for us.  Even though the Club raised the funds and had the building built, because it is on municipal land (at Little League Park) we weren't allowed inside during the pandemic.

After dinner and the business part of the meeting we played Bingo, with an online game.

We found out that the recent Fall Fair had raised $1,600 for our projects and bursaries, etc.  Thanks in particular to David and Trillium Hill for donating pumpkins and straw bales, which made the event a success.

The Club is now working on two projects.  The first is the sale of Poinsettias, but they've set the price too high, asking $15 for a six inch pot.  The big box stores are likely going to be in the $10 range for that size.  So, with the likelihood of failure there, Mardi and I are going to concentrate on the other project - the Turkey Roll.

You remember that one!  Many of you participated and because of your help last year, Mardi and I brought in the most money for the project. 

Circles on the cards remain at $3.00 each, or 7 for $20.00.  Let Mardi or me know if you would like to participate.


Got some more gardening done today.  Should be able to do some more tomorrow, but after that the weather will become an issue.

Stay well.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


 Apparently Anna and I won at cards last night after all.  I get so used to being a loser at cards when playing against Mardi that I missed the applause.


Another beautiful day.  More gardening.


Don't forget to take time tomorrow to remember our veterans.

Stoney Creek will not have a ceremony again this year due to Covid.  So Mardi and I will be watching the CBC instead.

Stay thankful.  Stay well.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 When David closed the garden centre he had some perennials left over.  So I grabbed several Torch Lilies for one of the gardens up front.

They grow 3 to 4 feet high.  That should put the flower heads just about the level of the Hydrangea tree, hiding the trunk.  Should make an interesting and, hopefully, spectacular sight!


Kathryn and Anna joined us tonight for dinner and cards.  Anna and I lost - again!


Tomorrow night Mardi and I head out for our first meeting in the Optimist Hall in two years.  It will be good to get back in our volunteer digs.


Stay well.

Monday, November 8, 2021


Beautiful weather today.  Got another garden under control.


Today is Indigenous Veterans Remembrance Day, and I have mixed emotions.

While I can understand why they would want special recognition for their sacrifices, it seem to me that this just emphasizes the "us versus them" narrative.  Will they not be part of the Remembrance Day ceremonies?  Or do they want to be remembered twice?

I will honour Remembrance Day on the 11th, thinking about all veterans, including Barbara's and Jo-Ann's native grandfather.  May those who made the ultimate sacrifice rest in peace.

Stoney Creek, due to the coronavirus, will once again not have a Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph.  So Mardi and I will make do with watching the tribute on CBC.


Stay well.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Six 28 day months

 A shout-out today to Rose Strecker.  Rose has been a caregiver for some time for her dad who is in a nursing home.  Probably too busy to even realize she has a birthday to celebrate.  Best wishes Rose.


Mardi has been cutting my hair recently.  I have to be extra nice.


I still haven't been able to book a third coronavirus shot.  The Ontario Health site rejected me.  But interestingly, they do say six months or 168 days (24 weeks).  I guess they're happy as long as you count six Februarys.  So, I'm either eligible November 16 or December 6.


Stay well.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Time Change

Got my flu shot this morning.  One more step to matching Ron King on the path to immortality.

Then finished weeding and mulching another garden.  A great day to be playing outside.


Don't forget to change all of your time recording devices tonight that aren't automatic, i.e. clocks, watches, cars, microwaves, stoves, etc.

I just did (h)ours.


Stay well.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Roadside Assistance

 Birthday wishes to Diane Lougheed today.  All the best Diane.


As reported yesterday afternoon, we headed to Port Dover last evening to meet Bonnie and Steve at "211 Main Street".  Dinner was good, company was great.

Then, it was off to the theatre.

Two very good actors, playing different parts, on a sparse stage that was a home, a restaurant, a car, a garden, etc.  Story of a marriage that was disintegrating and was put back together again.  Great show!

Vaccination proof was required, masks were worn for the duration, and seating was social distanced (don't know how they can make ends meet with such a small crowd).

We'll be visiting the Lighthouse again in a couple of weeks, once again with Bonnie and Steve.  That will be a Norm Foster play.  Can't wait!


Headed for the greenhouse to move sod and cut grass.

Looks like one of the resident Red Tailed Hawks had a nice meal.

Did you know that a bird in the hand is safer than one flying overhead?


Things looked relatively dry so I turned the mower on.

A bit wet but not terrible.  So I continued.

This section looked completely dry, but.................

Yuck!  Had to call for reinforcements from the Trillium Hill road rescue unit.  Sean towed me out with the tractor (that David had recovered from the back field a couple of days ago).

I've asked David's man Kent to power wash the mower.  It's a bit brown for some reason (so are my clothes and shoes!).

I've got some work ahead of me.


Tomorrow I'm heading for my flu shot.  And I'll be eligible for the Moderna booster by December 6.  Should be well protected for our Florida visit.

Stay well.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Feel Good Tokenism

 I don't know what your thoughts are about the half mast Canadian flag.  I know that I have mixed emotions.

I agree that we should hang our heads, and the flag, in recognition of what was done to our Indigenous peoples.  But when we appeal a court ruling once again on reparations to those peoples, the flag lowering is just a token joke.  It obviously doesn't represent sincere regrets.

And most Indigenous people agree that the flag should be lowered for Remembrance Day.  After all, many of them have fought for our country (and lost their lives or their native rights in the process).  The flag can't be lowered unless it is first raised.

So let's raise it before November 11, lower it on the 11th, and then raise it again.  And drop the appeal.


While we're on the subject of Remembrance Day, there is another sign of tokenism showing up.  Some folks thing that it's disrespectful to put up Christmas decorations before that day.

Warrant Officer Greg Bullivant has some thoughts on that subject.

Greg Bullivant

Just to get ahead of the curve. This veteran believes you are entitled to hang your Christmas lights whenever the hell you want. There is no correlation between respect of veterans and twinkle lights. I just beg of you to take two minutes to reflect on our sacrifice on the 11th.

I know not everyone agrees and that’s ok. But the important thing is to take time to remember, Christmas decor or not!

What takes away from RD is lack of involvement and education. Get to the event. Read about our heroes, past and present, and do so while hanging your lights if you like.

Well put Greg!  Sort of like the flag issue.  


We broke a two year, guests in our house, hiatus when 

Maureen and Matt joined us for dinner the other night.  Tonight 

we're making another move toward normalcy.  We're attending, 

with Bonnie and Steve, dinner and then a Lighthouse Theatre 

presentation in Port Dover.  

It will be inside the theatre, although seating will be socially 

distanced.  Vaccinations and masks mandatory.

Another small step, but it's progress.


Temperature as I write this is 5C.  Decided to stay home today 

rather than play in the cold mud.  Forecast looks better though for 

the next few days.

Stay well.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Closed For The Season

 After yesterday's posting, Mardi and I watched the Atlanta Braves quash the cheating Houston Astros in the World Series.  Congratulations to the champs!

Unfortunate that Canadian Alex Anthopoulous, who built the Braves team, couldn't attend the celebration due to a Covid diagnosis.


Trillium Hill Garden Centre has closed for the season.  So today folks (including me) were cleaning up and putting stuff away.  

Also moved a wagon load of sod, but lawn cutting is still a few days away.  I'm leaving mud tracks whenever I go across the grass with the mower.


Stay well.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

House Hunting

 Mardi and I spent the day helping Kathryn in her home search, which took us to Aylmer, Ontario.  It was a nice day together, although a bit stressful as she put in a bid on a place.  There are at least three bids, with a fourth possible.  We'll see what happens.

The message?  Don't lose heart! (They may want to break it.......and they want to avoid a lengthy search.)

But the ladies were quite happy that we found Johnny's Restaurant, which serves up excellent liver and onions.  Me?  A simple Western thanks.


Stay well my friends.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Black Animals

 After yesterday's post, Ron and Gary seemed to be clones in their whining.  Of course, clones are people two.


We have a local fox that visits our property on a fairly regular basis.  Mardi has seen it a few times when she was in the pool, but today was my first view of the handsome black dude.

A nice white tip to the tail.

I just had my phone and not the camera, so couldn't get closeups.


Speaking of black and white animals...........

.....that little skunk is my great granddaughter, dressed for Hallowe'en.


Stay well.