Friday, August 29, 2014

Ribbon Falls

The heavy rains have made the trails slippery and the creeks overflowing with muddy water, but in the afternoon we decide it's safe to make a sidetrip to Ribbon Falls.  It will require fording three creeks before we are able to rejoin the main trail.

Ryan took each one's backpack and sacrificed his body so we could safely cross.

Everyone made it safely, although I slipped and ended up with muddy knees (picture not available - camera around my neck).

But, it was definitely worth it!

You can go inside the conical rock as Ryan is doing..........

Or, walk up and behind it, as Ewen did.

Meal time.

And dining room.

The meal was a tomato, avocado, bacon wrap.  Ewen had seconds.

Our original expected time of arrival at camp was 12 p.m., then 2 p.m.  We reached Phantom Ranch at 4:30 pm., and after Nelson, Mary and Liz took a half hour to freshen up there we got to our campsite at Bright Angel Campground at 5:15 p.m.

We walked another quarter  mile and dipped our feet in the Colorado River.

With the water at 47 degrees Fahrenheit I didn't want to sacrifice any more of my body!  We're downstream from Glen Canyon Dam and the water is released from the deeper part of Lake Powell, thus the cold temperature.

And so ended hiking day two.

1 comment:

  1. Hello intrepid adventurers. We knew that you would be "blacked out" during the four days of the hike but we were still a bit concerned until we saw your day one and two posts. I said to Rog: " it's like waiting for Apollo 13 to emerge from the far side of the moon". Good to see you're both safe and sound. Anxiously awaiting further reports covering the next two days. As usual, the unfolding story of this part of your adventure is very entertaining and informative.
    Gary & Jill
